Art Dream, és un projecte que té com a objectiu fonamental l’increment de les hores d’immersió lingüística del nostre alumnat a la llengua anglesa.

L’ART DREAM suposa la introducció de la llengua anglesa com a vehicular a l’àrea d’Educació Visual i Plàstica al Cicle Inicial mitjançant una metodologia activa i motivadora, en la qual té un pes important l’ús de les TAC.

El projecte es centra en treballar des d'un punt de vista plàstic les diferents cultures del món.

divendres, 21 de març del 2014

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro!

Rio de Janeiro is one of the most important and beautiful cities of Brazil. It is very famous for its Carnival. It is the world's largest party. Thousands of people visit the "Sambódromo" during Carnival. They wear splendid costumes, dance samba, sing, play instruments and have lots of fun. For this celebration, we made our own costumes, instruments(maracas) and jewels (necklaces) and we also tried to learn some typical dancings and rhymes from this important festival. Here you can see some pictures of the activities. Enjoy it!

The Amazon rainforest

The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. Over half of the Amazon rainforest is located in Brazil but it is also located in other South American countries such as Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Bolivia, Suriname and French Guiana. It is home to a very diverse range of species, many of which are not found elsewhere in the world.
Here you can see some activities we developed related to this amazing place in Brazil. For example, we could observe an authentic piranha and we made our own with plasticine. We also created a huge and fantastic Amazon poster with all the most important species of animals.

dijous, 14 de novembre del 2013


This term we are working on the wonderful Brazil. Here you can see an interesting video about the Brazilian culture as an introduction. Enjoy it!

Aquest trimestre estem treballant i descrobrint el meravellós Brasil. A continuació, podeu  veure un vídeo  d'una petita introducció a la seva cultura. Disfruteu-lo!

Video National Geographic

dimecres, 12 de juny del 2013


Listen to the sweetie cat and learn some facts about Chichén Itzá in Mexico!
Escolteu a aquest gatet tan dolcet i apreneu coses interessants sobre el Chichén Itzá a Mèxic.

dimecres, 8 de maig del 2013


The city of CHICHÉN ITZÁ was once a center of culture and religion for the Maya people. Today the ruins of the city are a major archaeological site. They are located on the Yucatan Peninsula in southern Mexico.

 La ciutat de Chichén Itzá va ser un dels centres culturals i religiosos més importants de la civilització maia. Avui les seves runes formen part d'un dels majors jaciments arqueològics situats a la península de Yucatán al sud de Mèxic.

dimarts, 30 d’abril del 2013


Aquest trimestre, toca el torn a Mèxic. Aquí us deixem un Voki creat per un dels nostres alumnes per donar la benvinguda a tothom.
 This term, it is Mexico's turn. Here you can see a Voki created by one of the students to welcome everyone.


Durant el segon trimestre, els nens i nenes de 1r i 2n de Cicle Inicial hem conegut i treballat l'Índia i la seva cultura. És un país preciós que ens ha sorprès molt i a la vegada ens ha encantat! Aquí us deixem un recull d'algunes de les activitats que vam portar a terme.

During the second term, we worked on the Indian country and its culture. It is a beautiful country that really suprised us and at the same time we loved it! Here there is a collection of some of our artworks.